Don't bury generally useful code in an application program. Make as much functionality as possible available via C library functions, so users can access it from both the command-line and from within programs written in any language. Applications should largely be command-line or GUI interfaces to functionality found in the libraries.
E.g. if writing a program that converts all characters in a file to upper case:
shell-prompt: filetoupper < input.txt > output.txt
Base it on C library functions that do the same. This way, you and others can easily perform this operation from within a C program as easily as from the Unix command line. The program itself becomes a trivial wrapper around the function:
#include <stdio.h> #include <mylibheader.h> int main() { return filetoupper(stdin, stdout); }
The library function:
#include <stdio.h> #include <errno.h> int filetoupper(FILE *infile, FILE *outfile) { int ch; while ( (ch = getc(infile)) != EOF ) putc(outfile, toupper(ch)); return errno; }
ar -rs libmystuff.a *.o
cc -shared -o *.o
cc myprog.c -o myprog -Lparent-dir-of-library -lmystuff