4.6. Unix File System Comparison

Windows file systems become fragmented over time as file are created and removed. Windows users should therefore run a defragmentation tool periodically to improve disk performance.

Unix file systems, in contrast, do continuous defragmentation, so performance will not degrade significantly over time.

Overwrite performance on some file systems is slower than initial write. Hence, removing files before overwriting them may help program run times.

Most Unix systems offer multiple choices for file systems. Most modern file systems use journaling, in which data that is critical to maintaining file system integrity in the event of a system crash is written to the disk immediately instead of waiting in a memory buffer.

To save time, this data is queued to a special area on the disk known called the journal. Writing to a journal is faster than saving the data in it's final location, since it requires fewer disk head movements.

Journaling reduces write performance, since data is first written to a journal and later moved to its final location. This takes more time and more disk head movements than storing data in a memory buffer until it is written to its final location. However, the performance penalty is marginal if done intelligently. All modern Unix file systems use advanced journaling methods to minimize the performance hit and disk wear.

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