Number Bases

Converting Other Bases to Decimal

We can represent a number in any base >= 2, since we need at least 2 different values to distinguish a digit. Names of the first 15 number bases are given in Table 14.3, “”.

Table 14.3. 


In computer science, the most useful bases are 2, 8, and 16. The reasons for this will become clear in the following sections.

The digits for any given number base range from 0 to base-1. As we know, base 10 uses digits 0 to 9. Base 8 (octal) uses 0 to 7 and base 2 (binary) uses 0 to 1. Using larger digits would make it possible to represent a value in more than one way. For example, if binary fixed point allowed the use of the digit '2', then the number two could be represented as either '2' or '10'.

1001.112 = 1 * 23 + 1 * 20 + 1 * 2-1 + 1 * 2-2 = 8 + 1 + 1/2 + 1/4 = 9.7510

34.58 = 3 * 81 + 4 * 80 + 5 * 8-1 = 24 + 4 + 5/8 = 28.62510

12.02 and 80.68 are not valid numbers.

For bases larger than 10, we use letters for digits greater than 9: A = 10, B = 11, C = 12, D = 13, E = 14, F = 15

3F.816 = 3 * 161 + 15 * 160 + 8 * 16-1 = 48 + 15 + 8/16 = 63.510

The Double-and-Add Method

The easiest conversion is binary to decimal. In this case we are dealing with powers of 2, which are easy, and multiplying by either 0 or 1, since those are the only possible digits. So, if there's a 1, we add that power of 2 and if there's a 0, we don't.

One method is scanning left to right, doubling the sum so far for each new digit (whether 0 or 1) and adding the next digit to the sum.


1)  1 (leftmost digit)
2)  2 + 1 = 3
3)  6 + 0 = 6
4)  12 + 1 = 13

This method is easy to program since it reads the string of 0s and 1s from left to right, which is how they would arrive from a file or a keyboard. We don't need to store the digits in an array.

sum = 0;
while ( (ch = getchar()) != '\n' )
    sum = sum * 2 + ch - '0';

When converting by hand, you may find it more intuitive to go from right to left, doubling the value we add (the power of 2) each at step and then only adding if the digit is 1.

1101_2 = 1 + 0 + 4 + 8 = 13
Converting Decimal to Other Bases

As converting to decimal is a process of adding and multiplying, converting from decimal to other bases is naturally a matter of dividing and subtracting. The basic left-to-right method is as follows:

  1. Find highest power of the target base that fits in the number.
  2. Divide by the power of the base.
  3. Repeat using the remainder from the previous division and the next lower power of base. Note that we do not stop when the remainder is 0. We must continue at least until base0, further if there are fractional digits.

Example 14.3. Conversion from Decimal

439.510 to binary, octal, hexadecimal, and base 5.

Table 14.4. Highest power of each base <= 439

BaseHighest power

Binary              Octal           Hex             Base 5

      110110111.1         667.4           1B7.8           3224.222
    +------------       +----           +------         +---------
256 | 439.5         64  | 439.5     256 | 439.5     125 | 439.5
      256                 384             256             375
     +-----               +----          +-----           +----
 128 |183.5             8 |55.5       16 |183.5        25 |64.5
      128                  48             176              50
      +----                +---           +----           +----
   64 |55.5              1 |7.5         1 | 7.5         5 |14.5
        0                   7               7              10
      +----                +---            +---            +---
   32 |55.5             1/8|0.5        1/16|0.5          1 |4.5
       32                   0.5             0.5             4
      +----                 ---             ---            +---
   16 |23.5                 0               0           1/5|0.5
       16                                                   0.4
       +---                                                +---     
     8 |7.5                                            1/25|0.1
        0                                                   0.08
       +---                                                +----
     4 |7.5                                           1/125|0.02
        4                                                   0.016
       +---                                                +-----
     2 |3.5                                                |0.004
        2                                                 (repeats)
     1 |1.5

The Remainder Method

We can also work in the other direction (from right to left) by repeatedly dividing by the base (using integer division) and taking the remainder as the next digit to the left. Here we stop as soon as we get a quotient of 0.

Example 14.4. 3710 to binary

Decimal to binary

37_10   = 100101_2

37/2    = 18 r1     1
18/2    = 9 r0      01
9/2     = 4 r1      101
4/2     = 2 r0      0101
2/2     = 1 r0      00101
1/2     = 0 r1      100101_2

Example 14.5. 13510 to octal

135/8   = 16 r7     7
16/8    = 2 r0      07
2/8     = 0 r2      207_8

Example 14.6. 13510 to hex

135/16  = 8 r7      7
8/16    = 0 r8      87_16



Be sure to thoroughly review the instructions in Section 2, “Practice Problem Instructions” before doing the practice problems below.
  1. What are the names for base 2, base 8, and base 16?

  2. Perform each of the following conversions using the method of your choice.

    1. 100101_2 to decimal

    2. 234_8 to decimal

    3. FC1_16 to decimal

    4. 32_10 to binary

    5. 129_10 to octal

    6. 129_10 to hexadecimal