Part II. Parallel Computing

Table of Contents

6. Parallel Computing
6.. Introduction
6.. Shared Memory and Multi-Core Technology
6.. Distributed Parallel Computing
6.. Multiple Parallel Jobs
6.. Graphics Processors (Accelerators)
6.. Best Practices in Parallel Computing
7. Job Scheduling
7.. Fair Share Guidelines
7.. Remote Execution
7.. Scheduler Basics
8. Job Scheduling with LPJS
8.. Overview
8.. Using LPJS
9. Job Scheduling with SLURM
9.. Overview
9.. Using SLURM
9.. Local Customizations
10. Job Scheduling with HTCondor
10.. The HTCondor Resource Manager
10.. Local Customizations
11. Job Scheduling with PBS (TORQUE)
11.. The PBS Scheduler
12. Job Scheduling with LSF
12.. The LSF Scheduler
12.. Good Neighbor Scheduling Strategies
12.. More Information